
Contributing to translations

You can join the BookWyrm translation project at

Gender-neutral language

Wherever possible, BookWyrm translations should use gender-neutral language. This applies even if a language defaults to male as a neutral gender, or if it uses something similar to "he/she". It's also important for translations to be clear, concise, and legible to a screen reader, and sometimes these goals are in conflict; there isn't a perfect, one-size-fits all answer, and the solution depends on the language.

As a guiding principal, try to place a higher value on inclusive and gender-neutral language than on formal correctness or officially approved style guides. In English, for example, many formal style guides require a singular "she" or "he" pronoun to be used when referring to an individual, but it would be better in BookWyrm to use the gender-neutral singular "they" instead.

If you aren't sure how best to approach a translation problem, comment on the translation or open a discussion topic to address broader-scale questions.

Making templates translatable

Bookwyrm takes advantage of Django's translation functionality to enable page content to change depending on the user's chosen display language. The Django documentation provides a helpful explanation of how this works, but here is the short version:

  • all template text should include translation template tags
  • add {% load i18n %} at the top of your template to enable translations
  • If the text block is literal text, you can use the template tag {% trans %}
  • If the text block includes variables, you should use the template tag pair {% blocktrans %} and {% endblocktrans %}. If you are including padding whitespace or line breaks, use trimmed to automatically remove it when the locale file is generated: {% blocktrans trimmed %}


<p>{% trans "This list is currently empty" %}</p>

    {% blocktrans trimmed with username=item.user.display_name user_path=item.user.local_path %}
    Added by <a href="{{ user_path }}">{{ username }}</a>
    {% endblocktrans %}